Trends for the summer of 2024

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Trends for the summer of 2024

According to TTG Monitor, the Tourism Observatory of TTG Travel Experience, seaside resorts, thermal locations, and art cities will be the preferred destinations for Italian and foreign tourists in 2024. There is also an increasing demand for experiential tourism, characterized by exclusive and private experiences. Additionally, there is a growing trend in booking nighttime tours in museums, primarily by foreign tourists.

TTG Monitor's Observatory also highlights tourists' attention to social sustainability linked to travel: 40% of Italians and 47% of foreigners positively evaluate proposals and experiences supporting the work of local communities and artisanal and agri-food productions. This reflects the desire to explore destinations less frequented by mass tourism. A significant percentage of foreign tourists also choose hotels offering menus based on seasonal fruits and vegetables and pay attention to reducing food waste. About 60% of hotels expect to achieve an average occupancy rate exceeding 90%.

There is also a growing focus on wellness: physical recreation, soft hiking, and water sports are on the rise, alongside classic spa and culinary experiences.

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