Tender: provision of three naval units

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Tender: provision of three naval units

This tender concerns the provision of three naval, non-prototypical, specialized high-sea-range SAR units. The contracting authority is the General Command Port Authorities - Rome Office and the sole process Manager is Amato Damiano.

Tender amount : 12,010,500.00 € €
Publication date: 31/03/2023
Deadline date : 18/09/2023 by 12:00 a.m.
Procedure reference: G01083

In order to participate, the application of partecipation must be completed on the Government Portale Appalti platform.
The following supplementary declarations are required:
  • PASS OE ANAC contribution (receipt of payment)
  • A bank reference in the name of this Contracting Station or proven insurance coverage against professional risks for an amount not less than euro 134,937,500.00
  • Statement global turnover for the last six available fiscal years in an amount equal to or greater than euro 134,937,500.00 (net of VAT)
  • Proof of the global turnover requirement (financial statements)
  • Declaration certifying the completion of similar supplies in the last six years prior to the tender for a value of 16,192,500.00 euros or more (net of v.a.t.)
  • Documentation to prove similar supplies (invoices or certificates)
  • File in excel format showing the number of each invoice, amount and recipient, broken down by year
  • Statement that the proposed naval unit must have already been produced and is currently operating (model unit) Statement from the user of the existing and operating model unit
  • Class certificate issued by a Classification Authority associated with IACS with notations pertaining to rescue and unrestricted navigation, relative to the model unit
  • Quality Assurance
  • Current UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification
  • UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 certification in course of validity
  • Indication of the location, on the territory of the Italian state, of the production facility (shipyard such that it can enable the construction of the naval units)
  • Provisional guarantee
  • Use of subcontracting

For the resolution of any problems with the use of the Government Portale Appalti platform are the as follows:

  • Directly from the telematics platform by filling out the web form "Request for Assistance"
  • E-mail: service.appalti@maggioli.it
  • Phone: +39 0422 26 7755