Tender: maritime public transport service

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Tender: maritime public transport service

This tender concerns the public fast maritime passenger service between Messina and Reggio Calabria and vice versa with public service obligations for maritime territorial continuity. The contracting authority is the General Directorate for the Supervision of Port System Authorities, Maritime and Inland Waterway Transport and the sole process Manager is Francesca Aielli.

Tender amount : 34,151,090.94 €
Publication date: 29/03/2023
Deadline date : 23/05/2023 by 12:00 a.m.
Procedure reference: G01081

In order to participate, the application of partecipation must be completed.
The following supplementary declarations are required:
  • DGUE of the Auxiliary, if any
  • Provisional guarantee and commitment
  • Any certifications and documents for the reduction of the provisional guarantee
  • Any documentation for associated parties
  • PassOE
  • Document attesting the payment of the stamp duty
  • Document attesting the payment of the ANAC contribution

For the resolution of any problems with the use of the Government Portale Appalti platform are the as follows:

  • Directly from the telematics platform by filling out the web form "Request for Assistance"
  • E-mail: service.appalti@maggioli.it
  • Phone: +39 0422 26 7755