Tender: building construction in Latina

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Tender: building construction in Latina

This tender concerns the construction work on building for the needs of the Guardia di Finanza Corps for the Aprilia headquarters, located in Latinia, Lazio. The contracting authority is the Provveditorato Interregionale OO.PP. per il Lazio, Abruzzo e Sardegna - Rome Office and the sole process Manager is Carlo Gugliemi.

Tender amount : 4,414,010.36 €
Publication date: 13/04/2023
Deadline date : 23/05/2023 by 12:00 a.m.
Procedure reference : G01099

In order to participate, the attached and updated UNIQUE EUROPEAN TENDER DOCUMENT must be completed.
The following supplementary declarations are required:
  • PASSOE of the company and the designer
  • Fulfilment of contribution obligations in favor of ANAC
  • Possession of the qualification requirement issued by S.O.A.
  • Statement regarding the Norm of conduct of collaborators
  • Statement about the obligations of compliance with the rules for the right of disabled people
  • Identification documents of participants
  • Certifications of possession of the ISO Quality System

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  • Directly from the telematics platform by filling out the web form "Request for Assistance"
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