New hotel chain in Rome

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New hotel chain in Rome

The Room007 Hotels & Hostels chain has decided to invest in Italy: the 'Room007 Select Via Veneto' is located in Rome, within walking distance of the city's main tourist attractions. The hotel has 70 modern and well-equipped rooms, including single, double and triple rooms. The former Hotel Veneto Palace was completely renovated by the Spanish company Requena y Plaza, a leader in hotel design and construction.

The opening of the property is an important step for the chain, marking its entry into the Italian market and its expansion in Europe: five more properties are scheduled to open in Rome in the coming years, offering travellers a wide range of affordable and quality accommodation options in the Italian capital.

"We are delighted to arrive in Rome, the eternal city, it is a dream for us to bring our concept of modern, sustainable and affordable accommodation to Italy. We are very excited to open our first hotel in Rome," said Ignacio Requena Plaza, CEO of room007 Hotels & Hostels.

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