Made in Italy: export growth

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Made in Italy: export growth

On April 15th, the celebrations for the first National Made in Italy day began, an event promoted by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy to "enhance the creativity and high quality of Italian products". The chosen date is not coincidental, as it also marks the anniversary of the birth of Leonardo da Vinci, an icon of Italian art and craftsmanship.

Where does the value of the "Made in Italy" brand stand? The National Brand 193 2024 Ranking places it ninth in the world (out of 193 nations) with a value of 2.326 billion dollars (2.18 billion euros). This prestige contributes not only to the promotion of Italian services and products in the global market but also to strengthening the country's overall image.

Made in Italy at the table constitutes almost a quarter of the national PIL and involves "around 4 million workers engaged in 740,000 agricultural companies, 70,000 food industries, over 330,000 restaurant establishments and 230,000 retail outlets". In 2023, Italian exports in the sector exceeded 21 billion euros (+8% compared to the previous year). 

It's not just food that makes Made in Italy famous: in the BrandZ Most Valuable Italian Brands ranking, Gucci ranks first among Italian brands. In second place, we find Enel and Ferrari. Kinder takes third place.

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