Export of Pecorino Romano is growing

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Export of Pecorino Romano is growing

Between 2022 and 2023, the production of Pecorino Romano reached 36,600 tons, an increase of 12.4% compared to the previous year, and the average annual sales price was 13.48 euros per kilogram, up by over 16% from 2022. This confirms a positive trend that is rejuvenating a supply chain in Sardinia – where the vast majority of the milk used to make this increasingly popular DOP cheese comes from – generating a turnover of 500 million euros.  

During the 2022-23 season, Pecorino Romano also confirmed its strong propensity for export (70% of the production is intended for international markets). Specifically, 40% of the exported product goes to the United States market, 18% to the European Union market, 3% to Canada, 2% to Japan, and the remaining 7% is distributed across various non-European foreign markets.

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