Easter holidays in Italy: increased travel and tourist preferences

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Easter holidays in Italy: increased travel and tourist preferences

The outlook for the Easter holidays reveals a significant increase in travel, with almost 11 million Italians ready to leave, as highlighted by a survey conducted by Tecnè on behalf of Federalberghi. The majority of these travelers, 92%, chose to stay in Italy, while only 8% opted for destinations abroad, mainly in the major European capitals.

Holiday destination preferences reflect the diversity of the Italian landscape: 32.5% of holidaymakers opted for the seaside, 28.9% for art resorts and 21.8% for the mountains. Among foreign destinations, European capitals are the most popular, with 74.4% of travelers preferring them.

The average holiday duration is expected to be 3.6 nights, with an average per capita expenditure of EUR 371. Bookings for domestic destinations show a 20% increase compared to 2023, with particular emphasis on southern and Sicilian destinations, which boast a 30% increase. Traditionally well-known cities of art, such as Rome, Florence and Venice, remain popular, but less frequented destinations such as Naples, Catania and Turin will also attract foreign travelers, especially from the United States, France and Germany, with accommodation occupancy exceeding 78%.

The mountains, despite it being a late Easter, will be chosen by those wishing to enjoy the last runs on the ski slopes. Incoming tourism in Italy is up by 9%, with a significant increase in domestic and foreign flights, as reported by Enit. Around 217,000 airport passengers are confirmed for the two weeks of Easter, a 9% increase over the previous year.

Considering only arrivals from the Friday before Easter to Easter Monday, there was an increase in bookings of 15.6%, with the United States remaining the main foreign country of origin, followed by Germany, France and Spain.

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